As the title alludes, tonight it is my turn to keep Brighid's flame. As I did last month, I'm going to refrain from using the internet and, instead, spend my time in meditation, creativity, prayer, study, and housework*. I am also planning to give myself some reiki.
I've been working on another Brighid doll recently. So far she is turning out well. Every time I sew something I learn a new lesson, and this piece is no exception. I cannot wait to share her.
Before my quiet evening begins, I am going to get my massage in Watertown. I'm very excited. Nothing like some healing on my day of working with Brighid, right? I shall ask for her blessing as I lay on the table.
*As Brighid is a Goddess of the hearth and home, I feel it's only appropriate to tidy it up so that she is more welcomed here.
I hope your massage went well. Enjoy your night, and relax. Love You!