Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rolling in Books

A new book arrived for me in the mail today: Magic in the Ancient World by Fritz Graf.  It's recommended reading for Magic 1 in ADF's Initiate Program.  I've read many titles about the history and folklore of magic in Europe - mostly focusing on the north-eastern parts.  This latest book focuses on the Mediterranean world.  All I know about magic from Greece and Rome is the mythological side - the famous witches like Circe and Medea.  I'm excited to delve into it... as soon as I finish Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales by Rees and Rees towards my Indo-European Mythology class.

I've also been reading from my massive art history book every night.  I finished the chapter on the Egyptians a couple nights ago and am about to explore Aegean art.

Aaaaand while doing all of that, I also picked up The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring finally.  I read and immensely enjoyed The Hobbit when I was in fifth or sixth grade, and I always meant to read the trilogy...  I'm loving it so far!

( For My LJ Friends: )

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