Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bulleted Update

  • I'm working on a fairy costume for Samhain.  I scrapped my original idea which involved a laced vest.  I'm going to try and make myself a chemise type dress with a girdle/faux corset thing around the chest.  I'm trying to go for an elegant but wild look, if that makes sense.  I bought ear tips and need to paint them...
  • I'm signed up to participate in an artisan trading card exchange through the ADF Artisan Guild.  I'm excited about it but need to figure out what to do...  The deadline is approaching...  
  • I really, really need to finish reviewing a DP that was resubmitted to me...  
  • Work is draining me.  It was a short week and everything, but I return home and feel so out of it.  I just want to sit, watch things, and sew/crochet.'s not like I'm being a total lazy bum, but there are definitely other things I need to work on.
  • Still chugging along on Magic I.  
  • Still chugging along through "The Two Towers."
  • I've been slowly working on two dolls.  Their clothing is coming into existence.  I'd like to get a felting needle to help me with some accessories.  I also started another tree spirit yesterday.
  • I've been really horrid about meditation recently.  My discipline gets completely out of sorts whenever I visit family.  I don't blame them at all - I blame myself.  Still, I see them so infrequently that I can't justify pulling away to be by myself when I'm down there.  I'm hoping to attend a meditation class at a local yoga center this coming week.  I hope it helps reenergize and refocus me.

( For My LJ Friends: )


  1. Sometimes I call in sick so I can finish sewing projects. I realize not everyone can afford to do this. But if I'm getting PAID to sew I feel like I must finish in a timely manner. Then too, I want to quit my 'real' job and make a living doing something I love. It's all about choices.

  2. hah, wish I could call in sick to school to work on crafts instead of work on homework projects for my one class... :P

  3. Oh I wish I could do the same thing too...
